Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Border Control

Many illegal immigrants enter the US every year. Is our government doing it's best to stop these immigrants or are they just spending money on projects that don't work? In 1924 the US Border Patrol was established. In 2008 the US installed a $4 million per mile fence along the Mexican-American border that still allows illegal aliens to enter this country. The US should allow immigrants to enter this country because they take jobs for less which would then lower inflation because people would work for less and help our economy.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gun Control

For the past thirty years or so gun control has become a heated debate. With all of the accidents revolving around guns and the gangs using them many people believe that all guns should be banned. I don't think that they should be. If we ban all guns then the people who are going to misuse them will just keep buying them on the black market and will keep misusing them. I believe that you should have a permit to buy a gun and ammunition. Banning guns all together will just make the problem worse.

When our forefathers created the second amendment they wanted it to be available for all mature Americans to bear arms. This was for hunting and protection purposes. Today there are still people that hunt as their only source of food. If all guns are banned then these people would have to find a whole new lifestyle.

Banning all guns would be harmful to all Americans. The people who want guns to harm people will just buy them on the black market and those who need guns for hunting or protection will not be able to get them.